Condoroil Group
Forming lubricants

Not only chemical products: Condoroil delivers two new plants

Not only chemical products: Condoroil delivers two new plants


On the new manufacturing line of Mercedes in Iracemapolis (Brasil) designed by Geico Taikisha, Condoroil's SEPAR unit will be installed. The SEPAR UNIT will be used in the treatment of degreasing solutions drained from the first cleaning tank for the car body, in order to eliminate the oil contained. SEPAR unit has a treatment capacity of more than 1.000 lt/h. It can push to very high values of oil concentration in the waste stream, thus ensuring production of a permeate perfectly clean and free of hydrocarbons. The unit is totally automatic. It is composed by a series of pretreatment technologies. The heart of separation uses ultrafiltration modules with ceramic tubular membranes.


In September 2015 Condoroil designed, on behalf of Visa company, a complete separation system for cataphoretic paint for their customer IDEAL SYSTEM in Gambettola (FC, Italy). GIUNONE 80.03 UNIT is an ultrafiltration unit for the production of rinse water from the painting tank, complete of washing circuit. A filtering system preceeds the unit in order to eliminate in continuous the paint clots and solid particle. Condoroil has also provided the anolyte circuit, the circuit for feeding the cataphoretic cells, also part of the supply to Visa.  

Monday, April 11, 2016
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