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Eurolls hi carbon wire production lines

Eurolls hi carbon wire production lines

In today’s world, the word progress has also become synonymous with expectations of better quality. In the sector of high carbon steel wire, the evolution of the chemical composition of these wires, with always higher carbon contents, has meant a continuous innovation of both the wire production equipment as well as the entire production process.

This increase in the mechanical properties of the wire has amplified the difficulties of high speed drawing due to the development of high temperatures. Much has been done to optimize the drawing process, with new die angles and significant developments in lubricant quality, but existing capstan cooling systems in the wire drawing machines have meant that it has not been possible to exceed certain limits.

The R&D department of EUROLLS, a recognized world leader in the design and production of rolls and cold rolling cassettes, has developed a solution that permits to exceed existing limits by the introduction of a new cold rolling cassette specifically designed for high carbon wire production. The cold rolling process, due to a lower friction coefficient and an innovative wire lubrication system, generates less heat thereby lowering wire temperature during the reduction process.

All recent EUROLLS wire drawing lines have been supplied with the possibility to adopt this new cold rolling system. Furthermore, these same new lines have not only an improved capstan cooling system but benefit also from the development of a new internal coating specifically studied by EUROLLS R&D. This internal coating ensures a reduced formation of deposits and rust while guaranteeing an increase in heat transmission (same cooling capacity but with a lower quantity of cooling water).

In this evolving world and market, it is of vital importance to be ready for the future demands and requirements. This has always been the EUROLLS philosophy.

Sunday, January 15, 2017
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