Vassena filiere Srl (Dies)
Wire tools
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Micro-vibrations applied to drawing dies, new UVD technology from Vassena

Micro-vibrations applied to drawing dies, new UVD technology from Vassena

Low frequency and controlled micro-vibrations on drawing dies: this is the new technology proposed by Vassena, which guarantees high surface finishing quality, better lubrication, longer tool life and low environmental impact.

It's called UVD, which stands for Ultrasonic Vibration Dies. Micro-vibrations allow to reduce the negative stresses of the elements in contact during the drawing process. These can affect the deformation resistance, which is considerably reduced by the diminution of the static and shrinking friction coefficient; thus, the dynamic equilibrium of the metals subjected to reduction is achieved. This application may involve the drawing process of wires, tubes, round/shaped bars, and all metal materials and their alloys.

Applied to existing installations, UVD techniques are easy to install, after analysing the type of machines, the type of treated materials, the dies and their diameters, the drawing speed, and so on. For new design equipment, the application is to be agreed during the design phase.

What are the advantages over conventional drawing:

- Energy saving.
- Greater traction resistance reduction (less drawing steps).
- Improved lubrication and lubrication management
- High surface quality of the final product
- Longer tool life (drawing dies)
- Increased production speeds
- Fewer intermediate heat treatments
- No criticalities at the beginning of the drawing process, especially for shaped bars and tubes

Vassena is world exclusivist of the ultrasonic drawing equipment by Ultraswage:

Thursday, June 15, 2017
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