Lederer GmbH
> 50

Hexagon socket head cap screws

Hexagon socket head cap screws

Lederer, specializing in stainless steel fasteners for almost 50 years, supplies hexagon socket head cap screws in different models:
Hexagon socket head cap screws
Standard: DIN 912. Similar to ISO 4762
Materials: A2, A4, A4-80 stainless steels.

Hexagon socket head cap screws, low head and pilot recess
Standard: DIN 6912.
Materials: A2, A4.

Hexagon socket head cap screws, low head
Standard: DIN 7984.
Customer: A2, A4 stainless steel.

Hexagon socket head cap screws
Standard: ISO 4762. SImilar to DIN 912.
Materials: A2, A4, stainless steels.

If you are looking for a particular element have a look at the Lederer Shop, where you can find the complete article range with detailed information on every item.

last updated on
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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