Trafilerie Assi Spa
Metal wire
< 50

The pandemic does not slow down Trafilerie Assi, timely deliveries in difficult times

The pandemic does not slow down Trafilerie Assi, timely deliveries in difficult times

In these times of difficulty and raw material shortage, industry players need to rely on trusted partners who can guarantee rapid and on-time deliveries.

This is the great merit of Trafilerie Assi. The central warehouse and the company’s three production units make it possible to reduce shipment times to a minimum. Although delays are possible, we are talking about a couple of days at most.
Production times are also noteworthy. Trafilerie Assi guarantees production within approximately 10-12 days if a particular material is not in stock.

Another big plus is represented by the constant drive for innovation and improvement, which can be seen in the continuous expansion of the company's product range. In particular, Trafilerie Assi is committed to expanding its dimensional range of sulfur steel to provide a portfolio that can meet any production requirement.

Friday, May 21, 2021
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