Trafilerie Assi Spa
Metal wire
< 50

Trafilerie Assi plans ahead, raw material stock for record-time deliveries

Trafilerie Assi plans ahead, raw material stock for record-time deliveries

The uncertainty in the iron and steel sector due to the shortage of raw materials and to the soaring of energy and transportation prices is well known.

Against this backdrop, relying on expert suppliers who know how to handle difficult times might be the key to success. This is the case of Trafilerie Assi, an Italy-based company with fifty years of experience in the manufacture of cold drawn steels for high-speed mechanical processing. Foreseeing a possible general shortage in the sector, Trafilerie Assi has purchased large stocks of raw materials from the best steel mills in France, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK—accepting the inherent risk of such an investment. The strategy definitely paid off, as today Trafilerie Assi can satisfy the needs of its partners thanks to an extremely well-stocked warehouse.

Get in touch with the company through the references on the side for further information.

Monday, April 11, 2022
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