Trafilerie Malavedo Srl
Metal wire

Alberto Gianola, owner of the wire drawing mill Trafilerie di Malavedo, has passed away

Alberto Gianola, owner of the wire drawing mill Trafilerie di Malavedo, has passed away

Alberto Gianola, owner of the wire drawing company Trafilerie di Malavedo (Lombardy), has recently passed away at the age of 75 at the Niguarda hospital in Milan, where he was tested positive for Coronavirus.

The history of Trafilerie di Malavedo roots back to the early 1900s. At the time, the company was known as a steel mill and owned by Giorgio Enrico Falck. Then, in 1930, Alberto’s homonymous grandfather took it over from Falck, converting it to the current business.
This is how Trafilerie di Malavedo was founded, right in the heart of the Gerenzone valley in Lecco, a well-known metalworking district in Italy. Over the years the company has grown considerably, also opening a second new production facility in 2012.

A forward-looking and wise entrepreneur, caring deeply for his work and family, Alberto was a piece of history for the Italian wire drawing tradition, and one of the founders of the district’s Association of Small and Medium Industries. His death represents a huge loss, not only for those who had the luck to know him, but also for the whole world of business.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020
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