Microstudio Srl
Measuring instruments
< 10

Compression springs marking? MicroStudio has you covered

Compression springs marking? MicroStudio has you covered

Marking springs has always been a rather difficult procedure for companies: the particular shape of these products involves a huge waste and dripping of paint all over the working area.

The VAS system by MicroStudio has been designed specifically to address this issue. Thanks to the smart electronic controls, the machine will make spring marking easy, fast and clean.

The VAS system is equipped with a peristaltic pump that draws the paint from an airless tank (thus preventing drying), and with a motorized roller that applies it on the springs (drastically reducing dripping). It can be installed at the output of a settling machine such as the RDZ or a control machine such as the MC54 or SCR, but can also be used as a stand-alone unit.

Watch the VAS system in action!

For more information please contact the company using the references on the side.  

Sunday, June 20, 2021