Sicme ItaliaImpianti MC srl
Treatment equipment and furnaces

Sicme: Revolutionising the enameled wire manufacturing process

Sicme: Revolutionising the enameled wire manufacturing process

Sicme Italia Impianti, Italian world leader in enameled wire machine manufacturing, recently introduced its latest high-technology wire enameling machine ‘Super EG’. This machine can change the way enameled wire is produced. Super EG is the result of 6 years of hard work and costly research and development.

The prototype of this plant was on display a week after the Duesseldorf wire show 2014 at Sicme Italia Impianti's headquarters in Italy, and during the demonstration the machine was running for aluminum wire diameter 0.28 mm at a speed of 720 meter/minute producing excellent quality magnet wire with tan-delta 197.0/ 251.7 C, which is a revolutionary speed and quality. With this speed, Super EG wire enameling machine is the fastest machine on earth with production approximately 40 per cent more than any existing machine offered by other manufacturers.

This super high speed and super low cost production is possible to achieve only by a combination of electrical energy for motive and any combustible gas like methane, propane, LPG, brutane, etc., for thermal energy.

Sicme Italia Impianti has already patented this technology and is in the process of getting safety certificates from governments of various countries.

How is it possible?

It is possible with simple logic. When we use electricity to heat up electrical heaters, it takes time to reach from room temperature of 35  degrees to 500 degrees on which solvent of enameled wire is evaporated and solid contents is baked. However, when we use natural gas for heat energy, the ignition temperature is already 2000 degree C, and at that temperature waste solvent of enamel is already burned properly and without use of any catalyst, which is usually worked at 550 degree C, and temperature can be reached in a fraction of time, which means another saving of energy and cost.

Sicme Italia Impianti also worked hard on changing the dynamics of air circulation to utilise maximum heat energy with minimal wastage.

Why is it cheap to use natural gas?

Natural gas is burned in thermal plants for heat energy to produce electrical energy; then this electrical energy is again converted into heat energy for heaters to process enameled wire. Simply! Why don’t we use heat energy of natural gas directly to bypass costly conversions from one form of energy to another?

Sicme Italia Impianti offers many other innovative changes and features that no other machine manufacturer offers. They include:

• Maintenance nearly ZERO (and very simple when necessary)
• Remote assistance
• Auto diagnostics
• Complete automatic set up of the machine
• Three- year guarantee
• The machine is assembled according to “CE” standards
• Performance guarantee

Monday, November 14, 2016