Condoroil Group
Forming lubricants

Degreasing additives

Degreasing additives

Condoroil produces and sells degreasing additives

ADDITIVO MIX EL > Liquid. Mixture of non ionic surfactants to be used, when necessary, to help action of the acid, neutral or alkaline degreasers

ADDITIVO MIX EZ > Liquid. Combined mixture of enzymes (amilase, protease and lipolase) to be used, when necessary, combined with neutral and/or alkaline detergents.

ADDITIVO MIX ML > Liquid. Mixture of anionic surfactants to be added to acid, neutral and alkaline detergents when additional cleaning power is needed.

ADDITIVO MIX US > Product with high wetting, degreasing and emulsifying power. The product is of low hazard, very versatile and usually it is added to degreasing solutions to increase the detergent power.

CONDORINE MIX 1312 > Free of VOC degreasing additive for degreasing and phosphodegreasing spray plants.

CONDORINE MIX 9020 > Degreasing additive for alkaline degreasing and etching baths working by spray.

CONDORINE MIX A > Surfactant based liquid product. It can be added at any degreasing product to increase its detergent capacity in spray plants.

CONDORINE MIX CM > Surfactant based liquid product. It can be added at any degreasing product to increase its detergent capacity in dip plants.

FLUIDIFICANTE P17 > Product added to pickling solutions for stainless steel in order to help removing particular oils and greases, also in heavy quantities. It allows to eliminate the degreasing step usually necessary before pickling.

FOAMING 2000 > Foaming additive for acid pickling bath.

MIX PK 9 > Multipurpose compound has the characteristics to be a corrosion hynibitor, an emulsifying agent and it creates superficial foam. Advised concentration: 0,3 ÷ 0,5%.

last updated on
Friday, April 26, 2024
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