Lederer GmbH
> 50

Stainless steel fasteners for maritime industry

Stainless steel fasteners for maritime industry

If you´re aiming to keep everything "shipshape" as far as stainless fastening is concerned, Lederer's Maritime Assortment is just what you're looking for. It contains lots of essential fasteners - and not only for maritime use. They are for indoors and outdoors, house and garden, architecture and plant construction... a total of 37 different product groups with more than 220 different items.

Come on board: For everyone who likes to be "shipshape".

High-quality, corrosion-protected stainless steel ensures safety and stability in all weather conditions; Lederer`s extensive in-house warehousing guarantees the immediate availability of all the important types and dimensions.


last updated on
Friday, May 3, 2024
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