Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH
Machines for electric cables and optical fibers

Automotive wire production. How to detect color contaminations easily

Automotive wire production. How to detect color contaminations easily

When dealing with the production of automotive wire, color contamination can be a big problem. 
Just one or two granules of a different color can cause contamination of about 200 m of insulation cable. Color monitoring can be impossible if you rely only on the human eye because a production line can reach a speed of 1800 m/min.

In order to detect color variations that operators cannot perceive, Rosendahl has optimized an innovative sensor system called SK-400-C.

The SK-400-C is made up of a PC-based evaluation unit with 360° camera surveillance. Four cameras covered by protective housing enable monitoring of the color quality over the entire scope.

Color complaints and faulty productions belong to the past! The use of this breakthrough and easy system allows achieving significant savings, reducing material costs.

Check out more on Rosendahl's website >>

Tuesday, April 6, 2021
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