Transworld Engineering Ltd
Spring machines
GBUnited Kingdom
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Transworld Engineering’s latest order, a trip to Italy

Transworld Engineering’s latest order, a trip to Italy

Recently, a well-known Italian spring manufacturing company has chosen to rely on Transworld Engineering for its machinery needs.

The UK-based spring-making equipment supplier has delivered a TWE-808 8-axis high-speed spring coiling machine for ø0.15 mm to ø1 mm wire, as well as a TWECF-206 in-line conveyor furnace. Moreover, thanks to the expertise developed in years of activity, Transworld Engineering has been able to provide the customer with dedicated training and assistance.

Transworld Engineering is one of the most qualified experts in the spring field. The British company represents multiple spring-making machinery manufacturers, providing the domestic market with excellent, state-of-the-art equipment.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
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