Tube machinery

In Maastricht for Stainless Steel World? An opportunity to meet LE.DI.CA.

In Maastricht for Stainless Steel World? An opportunity to meet LE.DI.CA.

LE.DI.CA. has long been synonymous with excellence in the design and production of metal tube welding lines with thicknesses ranging from 0.5 to 10.00 mm, all tailored to customer specifications.

Today, more than 30 years after its founding, the company has built an unparalleled reputation and continues to amaze the industry with its skills and expertise.

LE.DI.CA. is well aware of the Maastricht Stainless Steel World exhibition potential, in which it has participated since 2018. The 2023 edition, taking place from September 26 to 28, is a must-attend for professionals in metalworking and serves as the ideal venue to further strengthen the bond between the Italian company and its international partners.

On September 26, the inaugural day of the event, Maurizio Catalano - CEO of LE.DI.CA. - will be visiting the fair, looking forward to discussing recent developments in tube welding.

If you are interested in scheduling a meeting, do not hesitate to reach out to LE.DI.CA. through the green buttons. The company will be glad to share its extensive experience and evaluate your specific needs in person.

Friday, September 15, 2023
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