Small metal parts

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Berardi Bullonerie is one of the first companies present in this sector that has obtained in 1995 the Certification ISO9002 and in May 2002 adjusted its own Quality System according to the normative UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 (VISION).

Thanks to the wide range of products, to the punctuality and timeliness in responding to the customers’ requests, Berardi Bullonerie distributes its products to several typology of custom all over the national territory and from different technologies of commerce. The guiding concept in this activity is the reaching of the highest efficiency level in order to grant to the customer a rapid and efficient service of metallic small parts provisioning.

A modern organization of the warehouse supported by specific software and based on radio frequency systems, the transport network and a team of persons dedicated to the customer care, make of Berardi Bullonerie a reliable and precious partner.

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