What's expometals.net?

expometals.net is an international web platform in six languages dedicated to metal forming, both for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The portal covers the entire production chain, from raw materials to finished products, including machines, equipment, lubricants, tools etc.; and everything in-between that is required in this field. The covered industries are:

Что он может сделать для вас

Keeping up-to-date on company innovations in your field isn’t always easy. Understanding which product to choose - finding your way in a multitude of companies - requires a lot of time and effort. Gathering information on industry trends can be costly. expometals.net helps you streamline all these operations.

Создайте свой профиль

Register for free as a user, to exploit the full potential of the platform, like the company search, based on specific categories. Fill in your profile to establish a direct contact with companies and receive our newsletter with the latest updates every weeks. Soon expometals.net will also allow you to save product lists, filter news and events according to your specific field, and create your own quality contact list made of industry professionals.